Open science resources
Check out our collection of pre-registration/Registered Report tools and references, aggregated on OSF
Here's a short practical guide to preparing a Registered Report, and our webinar on the topic. Inspired by our experience preparing this Registered Report (in progress)
Data, code, and study materials
We're still adding to this section, contact us with questions about specific materials. Also see links in Papers for additional materials related to individual projects.
MATLAB/Psychtoolbox task code for Center-surround inhibition in working memory (Kiyonaga & Egner, 2016, Current Biology)
Javascript task code for Mechanical Turk study of the Working memory Stroop effect (Kiyonaga & Egner, 2014, Psychological Science)
External tools and advice

Barbara Sarnecka's awesome free book and writing workshop materials
The CRediT taxonomy for author contributions

Data visualization

Color choices can be critical to conveying data clearly and accurately. Here's some advice on avoiding rainbow color palettes and choosing better colors
And some fun/useful tools for picking colors: