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more recent
Kiyonaga A, Miller JA & D’Esposito M. (2024, preprint)
Lateral prefrontal cortex controls interplay between working memory and actions.
Adam K, Klatt LI, Miller J, Rösner M, Fukuda K, & Kiyonaga A (in press)
Beyond routine maintenance: Current trends in working memory research
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Kiyonaga A*, Scimeca JM*, & D’Esposito M (accepted in principle).
Dissociating the causal roles of frontal and parietal cortex in working memory capacity.
Nature Human Behaviour.
Yang S, Kiyonaga A (2024).
Serial Dependence: Connecting past and present.
Dong, Y., & Kiyonaga, A. (2024).
Ocular working memory signals are flexible to behavioral priority and subjective imagery strength
Journal of Neurophysiology, 132,
Ying, Z., Callaway, F., Kiyonaga, A., & Mattar, M. G. (2024).
Resource-Rational Encoding of Reward Information in Planning
. In
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
(Vol. 46).
Tambini, A., Miller, J., Ehlert, L., Kiyonaga, A., & D’Esposito, M. (2023, preprint).
Structured memory representations develop at multiple time scales in hippocampal-cortical networks
Chkhaidze, A., Coulson, S., & Kiyonaga, A. (2023).
Individual Differences in Preferred Thought Formats Predict Features of Narrative Recall
. In
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
(Vol. 45, No. 45).
Miller, J. A., Tambini, A., Kiyonaga, A., & D’Esposito, M. (2022).
Long-term learning transforms prefrontal cortex representations during working memory.
Neuron, 110,
Kiyonaga A, Powers J, Chiu YC, & Egner T (2021).
Hemisphere-specific parietal contributions to the interplay between working memory and attention
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33,
Miller JA*, Kiyonaga A*, Ivry RB, & D’Esposito M (2020).
Prioritized verbal working memory content biases ongoing action.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 46,
Kiyonaga A & D’Esposito M (2020).
Competition and control during working memory
. In James T. Enns and M. M. Chun (eds.), Elements of Perception. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kiyonaga A & Scimeca JM (2019).
Practical considerations for navigating Registered Reports.
Trends in Neurosciences, 42,
Kiyonaga A (2019).
We need a taxonomy of working memory.
Journal of Cognition. 2(1)
, 35
Scimeca JM, Kiyonaga A, & D’Esposito M (2018).
Reaffirming the sensory recruitment account of working memory.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22
, 190-192
Kiyonaga A*, Dowd EW*, & Egner T (2017).
Neural representation of working memory content is modulated by visual attentional demand.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29
, 2011-2024.
Kiyonaga A, Scimeca JM, Bliss DP, & Whitney D (2017).
Serial dependence across perception, attention, and memory.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21
, 493-497.
less recent
Kiyonaga A & Egner T (2016).
Center-surround inhibition in working memory.
Current Biology, 26
, 64-68.
Coutlee, CG, Kiyonaga A, Korb FM, Huettel, SA, & Egner T (2016).
Reduced risk-taking following disruption of the intraparietal sulcus
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10
, 588
Dowd EW, Kiyonaga A, Beck J, & Egner T (2015).
Quality and accessibility of visual working memory during cognitive control of attentional guidance: A Bayesian model comparison approach.
Visual Cognition, 23
, 337- 356
Dowd EW, Kiyonaga A, Egner T, & Mitroff S. (2015).
Attentional guidance by working memory differs by paradigm: An individual-differences approach.
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77
, 704-712
Kiyonaga A & Egner T (2014).
The working memory Stroop effect: When internal representations clash with external stimuli.
Psychological Science, 25,
Kiyonaga A, Korb F, Lucas J, Soto D, & Egner T (2014).
Dissociable causal roles for left and right parietal cortex in controlling attentional biases from working memory.
NeuroImage, 100
, 200-205
Kiyonaga A & Egner T (2014).
Resource-sharing between internal maintenance and external selection modulates attentional capture by working memory content.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8,
Kiyonaga A, & Egner T (2013).
Working memory as internal attention: Toward an integrative account of internal and external selection processes.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20,
Soto D, Greene C, Kiyonaga A, Rosenthal C, & Egner T (2012).
A parieto-medial temporal pathway for the strategic control over working memory biases in human visual attention.
Journal of Neuroscience, 32,
Kiyonaga A, Egner T, & Soto D (2012).
Cognitive control over working memory biases of selection
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19,
early work
Stanley EA, Kiyonaga A, Schaldach JM, & Jha AP (2011)
Mindfulness-based mind fitness: A case study of a high stress pre-deployment military cohort.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 18, 566-576.
Baijal S, Jha AP, Kiyonaga A, Singh R & Srinivasan N (2011).
The Influence of Concentrative Meditation Training on the Development of Attention Networks during Early Adolescence
. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 153.
Jha AP, Stanley EA, Kiyonaga A, Wong LM, & Gelfand L (2010).
Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience.
Emotion, 10, 54-64.
Jha AP & Kiyonaga A (2010).
Working memory-triggered dynamic adjustments in cognitive control.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36, 1036-1042.
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